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Social Story – Green Means Go!

Learning Outcomes
Students will consider appropriate behaviour for train travel and think about the best option for situations that may be a barrier to travel in the future. Students will be better prepared for rail travel, having the opportunity to overcome concerns.
30 minutes


A social story is a simplistic, illustrated narrative that presents a life situation in a clear way.

Our social stories present train travel-related situations that a young person could encounter in real life as short narratives that aim to be accessible to all students.

Our social stories are all presented in two sections.

Section A presents the situation with an image, a short narrative and five questions (these are how, what, when, why, where style questions). The story pauses here at the point of disequilibrium; this allows for discussion around what options a person is left with and how they may be feeling.

Section B presents the situation with the same image, but the narrative now tells the next part of the story: the resolution. There are five bigger task options with section B that can encourage students to think about the whole scenario more deeply.

All tasks and questions are optional; you may want to use the social story differently, depending on the needs of your students. Also depending on the needs of students, they can be used as image only, text only, or image and text.

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How to get there

This lesson is designed to be taught in a classroom.

However, if you would like to visit a station with your class, please use either of the options below to help plan your journey.

If you would like to combine this lesson with a rail education workshop and complimentary rail familiarisation trip, please get in touch.

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